A new horizon for our future and our health

Reducing our consumption of single-use plastics is important both for human health and for the health of the planet. Dependence on plastic perpetuates a broken economic model based on the extraction of fossil fuels, which also accelerates the damaging effects of climate change. Disposable plastic materials are particularly harmful contributors to climate change and can damage human health. That’s because they require the continuous extraction of petroleum. The products then become one of the biggest culprits of global contamination.


When she was a child growing up in Hawaii, the cofounder of LOLIWARE, Chelsea Briganti, never dreamed of inventing an alternative to plastic straws. Despite that, she was always attracted to the water and developed a love for the ocean at a very young age. That’s why the company has launched totally biodegradable straws, joining the fight for a plastic-free world. After using this new product, a user can compost it, or even eat it.

The straw is made of seaweed, but it looks and acts like plastic whilst people are drinking. If this straw ends up in the ocean, it quickly breaks down. It’s not like paper straws, an alternative that companies like Starbucks have proved to be reluctant to adopt thanks to certain comments from their clients. Loliware doesn’t taste bad, and there aren’t any problems with its durability when it gets wet.

A team of biologists that focus on this marine plant spent a long time searching for a global supplier of seaweed. They eventually found a supplier that could provide them with enough material to produce thousands of millions of straws. By the end of 2020, this company will be using its new factory facilities in Europe. These factories will have the capacity to produce 30 thousand million straws. On top of their well-known straws, they’ll also produce different variations designed for juice cartons. Today, 360 thousand million cartons are used all over the world. What does the future have in store for us?
